Thursday, February 22, 2007

What is is a free toll for people creating their own polls and have them on their blog or other sites, without requiring any programming.

* No registration required
* Free
* Simple to use
* Add interactivity to your blog

Try it.
Add it to your blog.
Ask your readers why the visit your blog.
Know your blog readers.
Write to them!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

The importance of using polls: meet your customer needs

Opinion polls are surveys of opinion using sampling. They can are usually designed to represent the opinions of a population by asking a small number of people a series of questions and then extrapolating the answers to the larger group. It can be a key source of information for better decisions. The following article discusses the importance of using polls to building customer retention and growth.

Why using polls on your blog?
to know readers
drive blog evolution
promote participation
because it is fancy
= view results =

Companies seeking to maximize their effectiveness in today’s highly competitive business environment must meet customer needs. Understanding your customers, and taking the strategic decisions accordingly, will help you building customer retention and growth. One way of knowing your customers is using opinion polls.

A Blog is not different from a company. The product many bloggers offer is articles. Knowing your audience can help you to shape the type of articles to write about and the style of writing.

It can also provide you with information to help decide the direction to follow in Blog evolution. Over time, a Blog's focus can change, and readers feedback is of key importance on this process. While comments are a good feedback channel, multiple choice polls forces the readers feedback to me more specific and focused to the scope you are addressing.

Not less important, is the fact that many readers are too shy to post a comment or don't have time to think and write a valuable comments. Choosing an option in a poll is simple and fast. Multiple choice pools can be a simple way of encouraging readers feedback.

As a business leader you want to improve your product the best way you can. Understanding your customers and using that information in one of the pillars of the decision process.